I agree with Raiden because he agrees with me. Firing a gun is a violent act, so is hitting a nail with a hammer, but I also agree with you Kane, that its not violence in the same definition as violence against people. But the ct that theres a difference between shooting a target and shooting a person doesnt negate the ct that shooting a target is still violent.
Thats not dishonest.
You il to actually make this assertion in your article. You instead infer it.
Glen Tickle Whats worse: Pooping at a bus station or pooping on a bus? Asking for a friend. Respond quickly.
Guns are inanimate objects and can have many uses, most of them perfectly legitimate (hunting, sports, defense)
Oh, I understood your line of thought and agreed with it. I was jsut trying to expand on it, thats all.
Rollin Bishop Far Cry 3 doesnt just beat you over the head with its themes. It stabs you in the chest with them.
Rollin Bishop I want to like Arrow, but it really needs to stop borrowing dialogue and romance subplots from cheesy soap operas.
We get what you were going for, but it is kind of dishonest. The irony would have been there had it been a Terrorist Shoot-em-up or Liberal Shoot-em-up, but it isnt.
I dont think you meant to reply to my post (or perhaps you misunderstood me). I disagree with the author, Glen Tickle, with his opinion that the new NRA video game is violent and thus him calling it one diminishes the value of this article.
Glen Tickle Some criticize the grammar in title Star Trek Into Darkness. I will defend. Into Darkness is where they are trekking. Grammatically sound!
Shooting people IS violence, virtual or real.
Thats not what I took issue with.
Glen Tickle Reading a book of advice for expectant thers from 1994. Anyone know where I can buy a pager so my wife can tell me shes in labor?
(iTunes Store via The Next Web, image via iTunes)
So, you are saying that 17 Olympic disciplines are violent? Not to mention many other, national-level sports?
This headline is a prime example of why I stopped reading this site long ago couldnt resist commenting when I saw the headline on Google though ;)
Steven Romano Okay, yesterday was officially the fifth time someone said I look like a thinner Seth Rogen. Flattered in an odd way.
Shooting targets is not violence in the same definition of the word, guns are tools, hitting a nail with a hammer is not violence, hitting a person is.
By the way, I looked up the definition for violence. Shooting targets does not seem to count unless the targets are exploding or showing other signs of damage and the damage to the targets is the point of the exercise:
I agree with Peter. I think you can tell the difference between shooting people and the gore involved and then shooting targets and varmint.
You are equivocating.
I find the traditions of hunting free roaming game and thining the herd for health and food as a much better way to go.. along with removing varmints that may destroy fresh organic grown foods. .. but you guys spin it anyway you wish.. Im sure soilent green is in our future of dumb downing..
OReilly Warns Of The Dire Future In Store For Obamas Second Term: Disaster Could Be Coming
Yah, Im not really a gun supporter, but before I was going to link this at my Facebook I gave it a second read and really dont see how the app is violent. Misleading subject is misleading. Dont turn into Gizmodo, guys. :/
By definition swift and intense force is violence. So hitting a nail with a hammer is violence. It is not the definition most want to use in this case but it is still violence.
What in the world does shooting targets, virtual or real, has to do with violence?
As opposed to, say ice hockey or football?
Glen Tickle Daddy, why do you have no idea how to raise me? Because instead of reading a book about it I made jokes and drew Spider-Man.
Thats where youre losing the audience: that claim isnt true unless youre using that force with the intention to cause harm or malice. We dont want to be that guy either, but I think the reaction here (and textbook definition of violence) speaks for itself.
Violence, on the other hand, as defined by the World Health Organization, is intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against a person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.
In my opinion, the problem is VIOLENCE as a behavior, not the object(s) used to inflict it, because the very same objects can also effectively confront and defend against violence.
Fact; I still enjoy your articles a lot. You do a good job regardless.
Ian Chant I just got Phillip Pullman-rolled by @Glentickle,education books. who is apparently very good at the Internet.
At best you are a semantic argument. Certainly the NRA does not agree that every video game featuring a gun is violent, so your claim of hypocrisy based on the NRAs assertions is pretty weak. I feel that the NRA is complaining about Street Fighter and other brawling games equally with Modern Ware.
The irony stems from the ideological push to conflate guns with violence, which are in reality two entirely different things.
And thank you for the nice thing you said earlier. I missed it initially, but just saw it when I was reading through the comments.
Youre either a wuss or an idiot. Technically firing a gun is a violent act, but if you cant tell the difference between shooting a target or a person I dont want you anywhere near me. Youre article is misleading and shows your political bias. Shame on you. Oh, and nice hat Frenchie!
1. Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Grenades dont kill people. people kill people. We should ALL be able to have as many grenades as we would like. Nuclear bombs dont kill people. the person who fires it does. We should all have as many nuclear warheads as we would like. A bazooka doesnt kill people..the person who pulls the trigger does. We should all be able to have as many bazookas as we would like
Glen Tickle My thermos leaked into my bag. My computer was spared because the spare socks I keep absorbed the errant coffee. SPARE SOCKS.
There is not a 1:1 correlation to shooting a target and shooting a person, but neither is there one to shooting a digital person and shooting a real person. The argument here is that its in bad taste to claim video games lead to real world violence and then release a video game that simulates firing guns, which is a violent act.
I agree.
When the sketch comedy group The State broke up, its members had to find their own way in the world, and it wasnt easy for all of them. Kevin Allison now hosts Risk!, one of the best storytelling podcasts on the Internet, but the road that got him there from his early career with The State wasnt a one. He talked with us about storytelling,Jan 28, 2013 2:48:42 AM. his career, and being yourself.
I certainly dont want to be that guy, but I can tell the difference between shooting people and shooting targets in exactly the same Geekosystem, cool educational gamesway I can tell the difference between shooting something in a video game and shooting something in real life. The hypocrisy is in saying video games cause gun violence, and then releasing a video game based around firing guns.
And I see the NRAs game as an attempt to demonstrate that kind of distinction.
Rollin Bishop Today is the day I spend r too much time internally debating what my ideal X-Men lineup would be.
2. Strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.
If you are going to claim that this is a violent act, then you need to explain your definition of that phrase and how shooting a target is violent.
The game starts you off with an M9 handgun in an indoor range, but more guns can be purchased in-game for $0.99 each. We assume theres no simulated background checks or waiting period for purchasing new simulated weapons. Players have one minute to fire off as many rounds as possible, and are scored for accuracy, so make sure you aim for the head if you really want to rack up a high score!
Been busy at work so I havent been on this site in awhile. This is my last visit. You are a ing retard. Shooting at a target is violent in the same way that cutting a ing steak is violent.The same way that operating a motor vehicle is violent. You are a grade A ing idiot, and I hope you get hit by an assault bus.
I do not see it as a single opinion, though, but as a very concerted propaganda push to demonize guns by identifying them with violence and thus presenting them as a THE problem.
I can appreciate the irony of the NRA publishing a game promoting the use of firearms in light of its recent stance on violent video games being a problem but the misleading title of this article completely undermines the value of the point the article is , unfortunately.
Dont be those guys.
What I think is that it is in bad taste to publicly decry video games for causing gun violence, and then release a video game where you fire guns. It doesnt matter what youre firing them at.
Rollin Bishop I spent a small chunk of my day at work figuring out how to get Pokemon 3D to function properly.
Rollin Bishop Well. I can now confirm that Spotify has neither the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue theme song nor the Time Force one.
Just,Result In The Right Choices When Buying Alabama Apparel For Ladies. from a public relations Protip standpoint, NRA: maybe dont include a mini-game where you fire guns in an app youre recommending for ages four and up less than a month after you publicly blame video games with guns in them for a tragic event. It makes you look bad, and you didnt look that great to begin with on this one.
Glen Tickle Just learned that condoms have a top and bottom. I promise thats unrelated to my wife being pregnant right now.
Rollin Bishop Got my hair cut for the first time since moving to the city. Ive made a huge mistake.
The game touts itself as the new mobile nerve center of the NRA. It includes links to the NRAs site on topics such as news, gun laws, safety tips, and educational materials. It also includes nine true-to-life firearms, different shooting ranges, and of course Game Center integration so you can show your friends how much better you are at guns than them.
My issue is that you say the NRA released a violent video game. I dont know what kind of leniencies you take with the definition of violence, but the game certainly isnt. And if it isnt, then it shouldnt be called so.
So all these kids across the country who just watched their peers get slaughtered are developed enough to logically understand the complexity of guns in our world? Umm I think not. The problem isnt the NRA releasing a video game about guns, the pathetic thing is the NRA blames video games for violence when in essence, they could really care less. ANY interest in guns by anyone is a plus for them.
There have been a lot of people blaming violent video games for gun violence in America, especially in the wake of the tragic Newtown, Connecticut shootings. Chief among them, of course, was the National Rifle Association. In his comments after the shootings, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierreblamed several video games that featured guns, like Bulletstorm and Splatterhouse, but left off titles like NRA: Varmint Hunter and NRA: Gun Club. He also iled to mention the new NRA branded iOS game which must have been in development at the time, NRA: Practice Range. The new game is recommended for ages four and up, probably because they dont want kids younger than four to see how much fun super-cool guns can be.
Shooting targets.. yeah tradition.. something wrong with traditions? teaching proper safety at a young time in life. Should they have released a hunting game within some slaughter house that runs a nailgun through the brain of a captive animal so we can have steak at night?
Steven Romano I cant believe theyre phasing out BazookaJoe comics. Whats not to like about the adventures of a kid who got his eye gouged?
To the NRAs credit, the links to the educational and safety materials are a great thing to give people in a mobile app. The easier it is to access gun safety information the better, and if children are going to be around guns they should be taught gun safety at an early age. Safety and education can go a long way to prevent gun violence and accidents.
Violence (noun)
Rollin Bishop Im at the point in Far Cry 3 where I always bring the flamethrower regardless of what the mission wants me to do.
Glen Tickle My commute involves getting my laptop from the other room, and Im too tired to do it. How do I get to NYC during the week?
So you think when they talk about shooting people in a video game it is no different than shooting targets in a video game?